The 99 names of God

also known as Asmaul Husna (The Most Beautiful Names), are used by Muslims in various ways to invoke and remember the attributes of God. Here are some common occasions and ways they are used:

During Prayer and Supplication: Muslims often recite or meditate on these names during their personal prayers (du’a) or after performing the obligatory prayers (Salah) to seek blessings and guidance from God.

In Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah): The 99 names are frequently used in Dhikr, which is the practice of continuously remembering and praising Allah. Dhikr can be done at any time and place, but it is especially encouraged after the obligatory prayers, during the early morning (before Fajr prayer), and late at night (after Isha prayer).

In Personal Meditation: Muslims may reflect on the meanings and implications of these names in their personal lives to cultivate a deeper understanding and connection with God’s attributes.

Using Tasbih (Prayer Beads): The 99 beads on a tasbih (similar to a rosary) are often used to help keep count while reciting the names of God, or other phrases of Dhikr such as “SubhanAllah” (Glory be to God), “Alhamdulillah” (Praise be to God), and “Allahu Akbar” (God is the Greatest). Each bead represents a repetition, and the tasbih is usually cycled through three times to complete 99 recitations.

Two Common Practices

Both practices are common in Islamic tradition, but they serve different purposes:

1. Tasbih of Fatimah:

This is a specific form of Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) that involves saying:

  • SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah) 33 times,
  • Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) 33 times,
  • Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) 34 times (to complete 100).

This practice is often done after prayers and is known as the Tasbih of Fatimah because it was taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to his daughter Fatimah.

2. Reciting the 99 Names of Allah (Asma’ul Husna)

In this practice, each of the 99 names of Allah is recited once, often using a tasbih with 99 beads to keep count.

This can be done as a form of meditation and reflection on the attributes of Allah, and it is not necessarily linked to a specific number of repetitions for each name.

1الرَّحْمَنُAr-RahmaanThe BeneficentHe who wills goodness and mercy for all His creatures
2الرَّحِيمُAr-RaheemThe MercifulHe who acts with extreme kindness
3الْمَلِكُAl-MalikThe Eternal LordThe Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection
4الْقُدُّوسُAl-QuddusThe Most SacredThe One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries
5السَّلاَمُAs-SalamThe Embodiment of PeaceThe One who is free from every imperfection.
6الْمُؤْمِنُAl-Mu’minThe Infuser of FaithThe One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him
7الْمُهَيْمِنُAl-MuhayminThe Preserver of SafetyThe One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures
8الْعَزِيزُAl-AzizThe Mighty OneThe Strong, The Defeater who is not defeated
9الْجَبَّارُAl-JabbarThe Omnipotent OneThe One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed
10الْمُتَكَبِّرُAl-MutakabbirThe Dominant OneThe One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.
11الْخَالِقُAl-KhaaliqThe CreatorThe One who brings everything from non-existence to existence
12الْبَارِئُAl-BaariThe EvolverThe Maker, The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.
13الْمُصَوِّرُAl-MusawwirThe Flawless ShaperThe One who forms His creatures in different pictures.
14الْغَفَّارُAl-GhaffaarThe Great ForgiverThe Forgiver, The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.
15الْقَهَّارُAl-QahhaarThe All-Prevailing OneThe Dominant, The One who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.
16الْوَهَّابُAl-WahhabThe Supreme BestowerThe One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return. He is everything that benefits whether Halal or Haram.
17الرَّزَّاقُAr-RazzaqThe Total ProviderThe Sustainer, The Provider.
18الْفَتَّاحُAl-FattahThe Supreme SolverThe Opener, The Reliever, The Judge, The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.
19اَلْعَلِيْمُAl-AlimThe All-Knowing OneThe Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge
20الْقَابِضُAl-QaabidThe Restricting OneThe Constrictor, The Withholder, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.
21الْبَاسِطُAl-BaasitThe ExtenderThe Englarger, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.
22الْخَافِضُAl-KhaafidThe ReducerThe Abaser, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.
23الرَّافِعُAr-RafiThe Elevating OneThe Exalter, The Elevator, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.
24الْمُعِزُّAl-Mu’izzThe Honourer-BestowerHe gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.
25المُذِلُّAl-MuzilThe AbaserThe Dishonourer, The Humiliator, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.
26السَّمِيعُAs-Sami’The All-HearerThe Hearer, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.
27الْبَصِيرُAl-BaseerThe All-SeeingThe All-Noticing, The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.
28الْحَكَمُAl-HakamThe Impartial JudgeThe Judge, He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.
29الْعَدْلُAl-AdlThe Embodiment of JusticeThe Just, The One who is entitled to do what He does.
30اللَّطِيفُAl-LateefThe Knower of SubtletiesThe Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.
31الْخَبِيرُAl-KhabeerThe All-Aware OneThe One who knows the truth of things.
32الْحَلِيمُAl-HaleemThe Clement OneThe Forebearing, The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.
33الْعَظِيمُAl-AzeemThe Magnificent OneThe Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolement, and Purity from all imperfection.
34الْغَفُورُAl-GhafoorThe Great ForgiverThe All-Forgiving, The Forgiving, The One who forgives a lot.
35الشَّكُورُAsh-ShakoorThe Acknowledging OneThe Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
36الْعَلِيُّAl-AliyyThe Sublime OneThe Most High, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.
37الْكَبِيرُAl-KabeerThe Great OneThe Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.
38الْحَفِيظُAl-HafizThe Guarding OneThe Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
39المُقيِتAl-MuqeetThe Sustaining OneThe Maintainer, The Guardian, The Feeder, The One who has the Power.
40الْحسِيبُAl-HaseebThe Reckoning OneThe Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction.
41الْجَلِيلُAl-JaleelThe Majestic OneThe Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
42الْكَرِيمُAl-KareemThe Bountiful OneThe Generous One, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
43الرَّقِيبُAr-RaqeebThe Watchful OneThe Watcher, The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it’s meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.
44الْمُجِيبُAl-MujeebThe Responding OneThe Responsive, The Hearkener, The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.
45الْوَاسِعُAl-Waasi’The All-Pervading OneThe Vast, The All-Embracing, The Knowledgeable.
46الْحَكِيمُAl-HakeemThe Wise OneThe Wise, The Judge of Judges, The One who is correct in His doings.
47الْوَدُودُAl-WadudThe Loving OneThe One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him. His love to His slaves is His Will to be merciful to them and praise them
48الْمَجِيدُAl-MajeedThe Glorious OneThe Most Glorious One, The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.
49الْبَاعِثُAl-Ba’ithThe Infuser of New LifeThe Resurrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
50الشَّهِيدُAsh-ShaheedThe All Observing WitnessThe Witness, The One who nothing is absent from Him.
51الْحَقُّAl-HaqqThe Embodiment of TruthThe Truth, The True, The One who truly exists.
52الْوَكِيلُAl-WakeelThe Universal TrusteeThe Trustee, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.
53الْقَوِيُّAl-QawwiyyThe Strong OneThe Most Strong, The Strong, The One with the complete Power
54الْمَتِينُAl-MateenThe Firm OneThe One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He does not get tired.
55الْوَلِيُّAl-WaliyyThe Protecting AssociateThe Protecting Friend, The Supporter.
56الْحَمِيدُAl-HameedThe Sole-Laudable OneThe Praiseworthy, The praised One who deserves to be praised.
57الْمُحْصِيAl-MuhseeThe All-Enumerating OneThe Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.
58الْمُبْدِئُAl-MubdiThe OriginatorThe One who started the human being. That is, He created him.
59الْمُعِيدُAl-MueedThe RestorerThe Reproducer, The One who brings back the creatures after death
60الْمُحْيِيAl-MuhyiThe Maintainer of lifeThe Restorer, The Giver of Life, The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.
61اَلْمُمِيتُAl-MumeetThe Inflictor of DeathThe Creator of Death, The Destroyer, The One who renders the living dead.
62الْحَيُّAl-HayyThe Eternally Living OneThe Alive, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.
63الْقَيُّومُAl-QayyoomThe Self-Subsisting OneThe One who remains and does not end.
64الْوَاجِدُAl-WaajidThe Pointing OneThe Perceiver, The Finder, The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.
65الْمَاجِدُAl-MaajidThe All-Noble OneThe Glorious, He who is Most Glorious.
66الْواحِدُAl-WaahidThe Only OneThe Unique, The One, The One without a partner
67اَلاَحَدُAl-AhadThe Sole OneThe One
68الصَّمَدُAs-SamadThe Supreme ProviderThe Eternal, The Independent, The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.
69الْقَادِرُAl-QaadirThe Omnipotent OneThe Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.
70الْمُقْتَدِرُAl-MuqtadirThe All Authoritative OneThe Powerful, The Dominant, The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.
71الْمُقَدِّمُAl-MuqaddimThe Expediting OneThe Expediter, The Promoter, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.
72الْمُؤَخِّرُAl-Mu’akhkhirThe ProcrastinatorThe Delayer, the Retarder, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.
73الأوَّلُAl-AwwalThe Very FirstThe First, The One whose Existence is without a beginning.
74الآخِرُAl-AkhirThe Infinite Last OneThe Last, The One whose Existence is without an end.
75الظَّاهِرُAz-ZaahirThe PerceptibleThe Manifest, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.
76الْبَاطِنُAl-BaatinThe ImperceptibleThe Hidden, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.
77الْوَالِيAl-WaaliThe Holder of Supreme AuthorityThe Governor, The One who owns things and manages them.
78الْمُتَعَالِيAl-Muta’aliThe Extremely Exalted OneThe Most Exalted, The High Exalted, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.
79الْبَرُّAl-BarrThe Fountain-Head of TruthThe Source of All Goodness, The Righteous, The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.
80التَّوَابُAt-TawwaabThe Ever-Acceptor of RepentanceThe Relenting, The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.
81الْمُنْتَقِمُAl-MuntaqimThe RetaliatorThe Avenger, The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.
82العَفُوُّAl-AfuwwThe Supreme PardonerThe Forgiver, The One with wide forgiveness.
83الرَّؤُوفُAr-Ra’oofThe Benign OneThe Compassionate, The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.
84مَالِكُ الْمُلْكِMaalik-ul-MulkThe Eternal Possessor of SovereigntyThe One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.
85ذُوالْجَلاَلِ وَالإكْرَامِZul-Jalaali-wal-IkramThe Possessor of Majesty and HonourThe Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.
86الْمُقْسِطُAl-MuqsitThe Just OneThe Equitable, The One who is Just in His judgment.
87الْجَامِعُAl-Jaami’The Assembler of Scattered CreationsThe Gatherer, The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.
88الْغَنِيُّAl-GhaniyyThe Self-Sufficient OneThe One who does not need the creation.
89الْمُغْنِيAl-MughniThe Bestower of SufficiencyThe Enricher, The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.
90اَلْمَانِعُAl-Maani’The PreventerThe Withholder.
91الضَّارَّAd-DaarrThe DistressorThe One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
92النَّافِعُAn-Naafi’The Bestower of BenefitsThe Propitious, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
93النُّورُAn-NoorThe Prime LightThe Light, The One who guides.
94الْهَادِيAl-HaadiThe Provider of GuidanceThe Guide, The One whom with His Guidance His believers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is harmful to them.
95الْبَدِيعُAl-Badi’The Unique OneThe Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
96اَلْبَاقِيAl-BaaqiThe Ever Surviving OneThe Everlasting, The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.
97الْوَارِثُAl-WaarisThe Eternal InheritorThe Heir, The One whose Existence remains.
98الرَّشِيدُAr-RasheedThe Guide to Path of RectitudeThe Guide to the Right Path, The One who guides.
99الصَّبُورُAs-SaboorThe Extensively Enduring OneThe Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners.